Jahti magazine

Jahti magazine

Jahti magazines
Jahti is a magazine for members of the Finnish Hunters’ Association, published four times a year. Association members receive Jahti as a membership benefit, delivered to their home.

Jahti is a magazine for members of the Finnish Hunters’ Association, published four times a year. Association members receive Jahti as a membership benefit, delivered to their home.

Featured in every issue

  • We hunt the game of the season
  • We get to know hunting clubs and interesting hunters
  • We provide information, among other topics, on hunting, game animals, game management and hunting dogs
  • We answer readers’ tricky questions
  • We share news, game recipes and tips

The revised Jahti magazine now comprises five periodical issues per year. Single issues of Jahti can also be ordered.

Read also online

The printed Jahti magazine goes hand in hand with our Jahtimedia.fi website. The website contains complementary videos for articles published in Jahti, or information on the same subject from a different angle.

As a member of the Finnish Hunters’ Association, you can also read a facsimile edition of Jahti through the membership register. Log into the membership register by entering your name as the username. The password is your membership number (from your membership card) and your postal code, written together without a space. Change your password when you log in for the first time.



jahtimedia.fi is the website of the Finnish Hunters’ Association and Jahti magazine. It features articles about hunting, interviews and videos. The topics include hunting, game animals, hunting dogs, game food, game shooting and supplies. Jahtimedia.fi is also a window on hunting as a hobby, meant for the general public and for wilderness lovers interested in hunting.